4th Annual Texas Sculpture Symposium
4th Annual Texas Sculpture Symposium
Wed Apr 6, 1983 - Sat Apr 9, 1983
The Sculpture Symposium was sponsored by the University of Texas Art Department, the City of Austin, Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Patrick Gallery, Matrix Gallery, Southwestern University and Women & Their Work.
On the Shores of Town Lake: Frances Bagley, Gertrude Barnstone, Pam Blotner, Jana Vander Lee, Joy Poe, Antonette Rosato, Sandy Stein, Laura Telford, Joyce Lieberman & Staci Sipe
UT Campus, Art Building: Rebecca Koury, Gail Fisher
At Elizabet Ney Museum: Joanne Brigham, Roberta Harris, Laurel Moeller, Rita Starpattern, Mary Visser
On East 6th St.: Gerry Frost