Apply for a Solo Show in 2012
Women & Their Work is requesting applications of art for exhibitions in the 2012 Solo Series. This year, you need not be nominated to apply.
Have a login already? go to http://entries.womenandtheirwork.org
July 3rd, 2011: Deadline for all applications online.
August 2011: Notification to all applicants via email.
January 2012 – November 2012: Exhibitions will be scheduled for six-week periods between these dates.
Women artists residing in Texas who have not had a solo exhibition at Women & Their Work within the past five years are eligible. Recently created work in all media will be considered. Artists must be able to exhibit their work by January 2012. We strongly encourage artists to create new work for exhibition at Women & Their Work. We will choose artists to premier in 6-week solo shows occurring between January 2012 and November 2012.
Women & Their Work seeks artists who create inventive, high-caliber contemporary art that breaks new ground or proposes innovative approaches to form and content. Selections are based on an evaluation of the work you submit; we look for a strong, consistent aesthetic vision. We encourage selected artists to create new work; no work that has previously been exhibited in Austin will be accepted for exhibition. The work in the application should demonstrate that you are capable in vision and scope of creating a powerful solo show that commands the 1,700 square foot gallery.
1) 2-D & 3-D Images, Videos
Applicants should upload ten images of 2-D and 3-D work.
3) Artist’s Statement
Include a one-page statement describing your work and aesthetic vision. A word .doc, .rtf, or .pdf are the preferred formats.
4) Résumé
Upload a current resume. A word .doc, .rtf or .pdf are the preferred formats. Do not include announcements, catalogues, reviews, or letters; they will not be reviewed.
5) Processing Fee
A $15 processing fee payable to Women & Their Work is required. For the site to allow you to upload your application, payment is required. Please use Visa or MasterCard in the secure online form. Once you’ve logged in as a user and paid the fee, you can visit your application profile multiple times. Remember to save your changes. When you are ready to submit your application, click the ‘submit’ button to finalize your application. You will not be able to make revisions to it once it’s been submitted.
The gallery is approximately 1,700 square feet with 10.5 feet high ceilings, track lighting and seven moveable walls. Projectors and sound equipment are available.
Digital images should be uploaded online.
You will be notified by email in accordance with the application calendar. Please do not seek information on the status of your application prior to the deadline. If you have questions about how to apply online, please ask them anytime via email at [email protected] or by calling 512-477-1064.
Women & Their Work will award an honorarium of $600 to the artists who are selected for solo exhibitions. Our gallery staff will work with you to help you achieve all aspects of your vision. We will provide a curatorial advisor for the development of your work and commission a writer to write about your work. The catalogue we publish will be sent to over 100 galleries and museums throughout the country.
You will receive 75% of the sale price of any work sold during your exhibition.
Women & Their Work agrees to insure artwork while in its custody. Artists are responsible for transportation of artwork to and from W&TW gallery. Artists agree to exhibit work that has not previously been shown in Austin.
Please submit applications by July 1st, 2011. We appreciate this opportunity to view your work. We encourage you to apply early. If you are having trouble using the online application system, please don’t hesitate to call us. We are happy to clarify the guidelines or offer tech support! We’re here to assist you weekdays 10-6pm. Unfortunately, we are not available to respond to questions outside of office hours. So please call us early if you have questions and we can walk you through the process over the phone. We look forward to seeing your work!