Erin V. Sotak
The work that comprised the total ground exhibit was concerned with the idea of latent potential. Objects, ideas, others, and the self all exist in a state of duality, clinging to the edge of what was while grasping for the promise of what might be. Using everything from food to furniture, artist Erin Sotak created quirky and unexpected installations.
Artist Statement
As an artist I am engaged in the constant process of art making and I am acutely aware of the inherent labor in my work. It is a labor that goes beyond a basic physical activity necessary to complete a specific task; it is labor, which is a complicated tool of expression. As my work has evolved from two-dimensional
images to performance and installation, labor has developed as a critical element of the content as well as the end “product”. Labor is part of the unseen process as well as part of the seen performance within a gallery. Labor is a metaphor: Labor as time. Labor as body. Labor as the absurd. Labor as ritual. Labor as the futile.