Juror’s Choice
The 2003 Members' Show
Sat Nov 15, 2003 - Tue Dec 23, 2003
Women & Their Work was pleased to present Juror’s Choice: 2003 Members Show. Kate Bonansinga, Director of the University Art Galleries, University of El Paso, selected works from Women & Their Work artist members slide registry.
The exhibition included installations, painting, photography, video, works on paper, mixed media, and sculpture by the following 20 artists:
Connie Arismendi, Hannah Barnes, Jill Bedgood, Bridget M. Bird, Candace Briceno, Serena Lin Bush, Melanie Crader, Susan Davidoff, Suzanne Dulany, Virginia Fleck, Michelle Guyod, C. Ellen Hart, Janet Kastner, Polly Lanning, Lauren Levy, Mona Marshall, Jacqueline May, Susan Meyer, Toby Topek, Ellen Frances Tuchman.