Leslee Fraser | No Sure Footing
Leslee Fraser | No Sure Footing
Thu Jan 15, 2009 - Sat Feb 21, 2009
Sifting through found objects, natural and political history, religious iconography and suburban kitsch as source materials, Leslee Fraser creates small-scale ceramic figure assemblages that draw the viewer in for a closer look. From this intimate vantage point, Fraser’s repurposed figurine tableaux offer darkly humorous allegories reflecting life’s absurd realities. Suburban malls, the Bible, scientific theory and domestic talismans all provide ripe fodder for Fraser’s miniature parables as she assembles familiar tokens into vignettes both tender and thoroughly skewed. To get up close and personal with Fraser’s tiny bricolage is to be reminded that sometimes the cutest fragments of life’s detritus can pack the darkest punchlines.