Pauline Oliveros
Women & Their Work, a multidisciplinary arts organization, presented outstanding contemporary composer and performer Pauline Oliveros, who lectured on her career, her work, and her creative process.
Oliveros’ lecture gave an overview of her history as a composer, outlining the many phases of her career including her early work, improvisation, electronic music, theatre pieces, Sonic Meditations, conceptual music, collaborations, and her current interests. The lecture was illustrated with slides and recordings of the works discussed.
Oliveros has been nationally-known for her avant-garde musical compositions, her music for meditation, and performance art. She has been active as an avant-garde musician and composer since the 1950s. She has received numerous international prizes and fellowships.
Oliveros also presented an evening workshop, “Instructions for Composers,” for women musicians, January 23. Composers met as a group as well as individually with Oliveros for critique of their work. Technical needs, resources, and survival skills were also addressed.