Women in Porcelain
Women & Their Work, Inc. celebrated its fifth anniversary on October 13 with a reception at United Bank, 400 W 15th, Austin. The Celebration was held in conjunction with “Women in Porcelain,” an exhibition of ceramic sculpture and functional ware, on view in the lobby of United Bank, October 10-28.
October marked the completion of Women & Their Work’s fifth year of independent programming. The organization began in 1976 as a project of Laguna Gloria Art Museum. Women & Their Work as an organization was born after initial programs featuring women artists were met with an enthusiastic response. Then, as now, Women & Their Work’s purpose is to feature the work of women and emerging artists. It sponsors over 30 arts events each year, including visual arts, experimental and performance art, fine crafts, dance, music, and photography, as well as workshops and symposia on art and artists. In 1983, Women & Their Work was the only Texas organization to receive funds from the National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Division. It was the second-highest funded women’s art organization in the country.
Women & Their Work is based in Austin, but its activities reach a large and diverse audience statewide. It sponsors touring visual arts exhibitions (in five Texas cities and towns in 1983); presents community and public programming across central Texas; distributes its publications across the state. In addition, Women & Their Work brings nationally-known artists to Texas to show and discuss their work.