Women: The Language Lifeline, Part II
WOMEN AND THEIR WORK, in cooperation with the University of Texas Speech Communication Department and Huston-Tillotson College, presented writers Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, and Meridel LeSueur reading their work on Friday, February 1st, 1980 at 7:30 P.M.
On Saturday, February 2, all three writers participated in a public symposium on language, culture, and future options for women in this society.
Other events included: “Creativity of Black Women,” a reading of local black writers’ work, and an exhibition of crafts and memorabilia. Noted black author Audre Lorde will read her work.
All events were free; some offered child care.
Women: The Language Lifeline
January 31, 8:00pm
Reading by Adrienne Rich
February 1, 7:30pm
Reading by Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Meridel LeSueur
At U.T. Speech Communication Bldg. Auditorium
February 2, 8:00pm
Silence, A Dream of a Common Language, the Future Symposium
By Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Meridel Lesueur
Moderators: Dr. Rose Marie Cutting, Mary McAnnaly
At U.T. Speech Communication Bldg. Auditorium
February 3, 5:00pm
Creativity of Black Women
At Huston-Tillotson College, Union Bldg.
February 4, 7:00pm
Reading by Audre Lorde
At Huston-Tillotson College, King Seabrook Chapel
Funded by: Bette Clair McMurray Foundation, City of Austin, Lola B. Wright Foundation, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. Co-sponsored with the University of Texas