Fresh from the Studio
Fresh from the Studio invites W&TW artist members to share what they are working on now with you! In this virtual format, artists will share work in progress, newly finished artworks, and recent or upcoming projects. Each presentation will be about 10 minutes with time for your questions and comments afterwards. Fresh from the Studio is your chance to see what is new and hear from contemporary artists in our community. This bimonthly program is free and open to the public.
We will hear from artists Dolphin Brown, Valerie Fowler & Lydia Garcia. Dolphin Brown will show her 3 screen installation called Driftwood and a 16 mini-screen installation for the eternity.0 series. Valerie Fowler will share a series of oil paintings honoring the natural world, especially, trees. She will also share a “crankie” which, in this case, consists of two 48 foot long illustrated scrolls “cranked” along (moving panorama style) to a suite of music and song, composed and performed by her husband, Brian Beattie. It illustrates a journey back and forth in time and geographical distance, along El Camino Real de los Tejas. Lydia Garcia will present new work exploring organic sculptures with natural inks by using isomalt as a resin alternative.
Interested in participating in Fresh from the Studio? Click here to learn more about membership options.
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