Lindy Chambers

Then and Now
Sat Mar 25, 2023 - Thu May 11, 2023
Opening reception March 25th, 7-9 pm

Lindy Chambers observes and animates the often overlooked aspects of rural Texas life in her large-scale paintings to suggest value in the unnoticed. Chambers’ subjects range from recognizable imagery (mobile homes, farm animals, construction debris), to graphic abstraction, to the otherworldly.
Compassion, unconventional beauty, and chance are Chambers’ companions in the creation of her sculptures. These germinate from found items that she adorns with craft materials and unexpectedly colorful embellishments. Using googly eyes, feather boas, and furry pompoms, she bestows humanity on her misshapen, oddly colored, and textured objects. The permeable relationship between these sculptures and her paintings becomes an essential part of the exhibition.

About the Artist

Based in Bellville, Texas, Lindy Chambers is the winner of the Texas Big 10 for Art prize at Katy Contemporary Art Museum, the Alexander Rutsch Painting Award from the Pelham Art Center, and the Silver Award from Art Forward. Her work has been featured in galleries and museums across the United States including Valley House Gallery and Sculpture Garden, Dallas; Fort Worth Community Art Center, Fort Worth; Lawndale Art Center, Houston; The Grace Museum, Abilene; Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville; Dairy Arts Center, Boulder; and the Pelham Art Center, New York.


Lindy Chambers observa y anima los aspectos a menudo pasados por alto de la vida de rural de Texas en sus cuadros a gran escala para sugerir el valor de lo desapercibido. Los sujetos de Chambers van desde imágenes reconocibles (casas rodantes, animales de granja, escombros de construcción) a la abstracción gráfica, pasando por lo sobrenatural. La compasión, la belleza no convencional y el azar son los compañeros de Chambers en la creación de sus esculturas. Estos germinan a partir de artículos encontrados que adorna con materiales artesanales y adornos inesperadamente coloridos. Usando ojos saltones, boas de plumas y pompones peludos, otorga humanidad a sus objetos deformes, de colores extraños y texturas. La relación permeable entre estas esculturas y sus pinturas se convierten en parte esencial de la exposición.

Sobre la Artista
Residente en Bellville (Texas), Lindy Chambers es la ganadora del premio Texas Grande 10 para Arte del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Katy, del Premio Alexander Rutsch de Pintura del Pelham Art Center y del Premio de Plata de Art Forward. Su obra se ha expuesto en galerías y museos de todos los Estados Unidos, incluyendo Valley Casa Gallery y Sculpture Garden, Dallas; Fort Worth Community Art Center, Fort Worth; Lawndale Art Center, Houston; El Grace Museum, Abilene; Brownsville Museum de Fine Art, Brownsville; Dairy Arts Center, Boulder; y Pelham Art Center, Nueva York.