Miwa Matreyek: Artist Talk

Fusebox Festival: Chewing the Fat
Thu Apr 24, 2014


Miwa Matreyek Artist Talk! Presented by Women & Their Work in collaboration with the Fusebox Festival and NPN. This performance is part of Fusebox’s 2014 Chewing the Fat series. This is a free event.


Join us as we welcome internationally recognized and Los Angeles based animator, designer and multimedia artist Miwa Matreyek for a conversation about her unique process and body of work that fuses animation with live performance. Matreyek creates short films and live works that integrate animation, performance, and theatrical video installation. Arriving to animation from a background in collage, her work explores how animation transforms when it is combined with the body, both physically in her performance pieces, as well as a composited video element in her short films.

“Multimedia artist Miwa Matreyek turns her silhouetted self into a virtual Mobius strip for a breathtaking array of variegated animation styles… The sheer breadth of the imagery…is unlike anything you’ve seen before. If this were a museum of contemporary art, Matreyek would merit a permanent wing.” -LOS ANGELES TIMES

“Matreyek’s work is an enchanting blend of animation and live performance; one of the few digital artists who is able to keep a strong element of human presence in her work.” -VENU MAGAZINE

“I want to evoke the sense of weightlessness- I want to help [the audience] transcend where they actually are. By incorporating my body into the piece, the audience is taking on a visceral sense of this dream -world. I hope they take something away from it emotionally.” -MIWA MATREYEK

In her projection based performances, animation takes on a more physical and present quality, while body and space take on a more fantastical attribute, creating a conjured cinematic experience. She is interested in the slippery meeting point of cinema and theater/performance, the moments of convergence where fantastical illusions are created, and the moments of divergence where the two struggle against each other.

Matreyek received her MFA (2007) in Experimental Animation and Integrated Media at the California Institute of the Arts. She is one of the founding-members and core-collaborators of Cloud Eye Control.