October Diva Party
Thu Oct 15, 2020
Break out your W&TW glass and let’s share a virtual drink on Zoom with our hosts and artists Margo Sawyer and Sydney Yeager on Thursday, October 15th at 5:30 pm.
Throughout her career, Margo Sawyer has created installations which translate the notion of an ancient sacred space into a contemporary vocabulary. The artist is particularly interested in relationships between the experience of space and the experience of transcendence — and the ways in which the architectural and ritual converge to create a forum for contemplation and reflection. Recently, Sawyer’s practice has focused on creating large scale — often public — installations that combine her parallel interests in art and architecture.
For the past decade, Sydney Yeager has painted in oil on linen, contrasting heavy brush marks with linen that is either raw or lightly touched with a wash of color. She is motivated by the tension created between the delicacy of the barely touched linen and the vigorous brush work. Her habit of painting “alla prima”, or wet into wet, allows little opportunity for revision, and tiptoes along the edge of chaos. Working this way is consistent with her interest in motion and transitory forms, as each brush mark holds the possibility of altering the painting entirely.
Both Sawyer and Yeager will give us a behind-the-scenes look at their studios and talk about what they are working on now.
This is a members’ only event. If you are interested in becoming a member, visit our Art Diva page.
Diva members should RSVP to [email protected] to receive the Zoom link!