Mining Identity, Narrative, and Place in Contemporary Art Practice
Calling all educators. Join us for an artist talk with Ariel René Jackson about their work and practice with an inside-the-gallery view of Jackson’s exhibitions A Welcoming Place at Women & Their Work and The way back home at Art Galleries at Black Studies’ Idea Lab. Mine the big ideas of memory, identity and place through art making investigations with strategies for integrating this thematic and material-driven approach into your art curriculum. This hands-on and standards-based workshop is co-presented by Art Galleries at Black Studies and Women & Their Work educators for high school art teachers and artists.
- Consider big ideas and themes around identity, memory and place, and the narrative that connects them for you.
- Investigate how different imagery, objects, and ideas represent your experience in a place and how they can come together to convey memory.
- Question how will you map your own story about a welcoming place.
- Gather materials that reflect your own investigation: found or painted papers, fabric or fibers, small objects, drawings, photographs, or stories.
- Select art making media that support the materials collected: drawing or watercolor paper, glue, cardboard, packing tape, matte medium, acrylic and/or watercolor paints, brushes, scissors, thread and needle, pens, graphite, etc.
- Document your preparation using your sketchbook and/or digital camera and video.
- Join us via Zoom on February 19th!
Ariel René Jackson,
Missing Data Quilt #3, 2016
On view at AGBS Idea Lab until March 4th, 2022,
The Way Back Home, http://galleriesatut.org