Stop & Go 3-D Film Screening
Welcome to the third installment of Stop & Go, a screening series in which established filmmakers and visual artists unveil their most recent experiments in stop-motion animation. This collection of short videos plays dramatically with our visual senses as images recede and jump out of the screen. By making use of anaglyphic techniques, strobe effects, composite layering, overlapping cross-fades, afterimages and optical imagery, each artist pushes the boundary of what the multi-dimensional can be. Some of the pieces require red/cyan glasses to fully appreciate the work while others are best viewed in plain sight or by softening one’s gaze. As a whole the show offers you much more then what meets the eye. –Sarah Klein, Curator
$5-$10 suggested admission for this traveling one night screening. IMPORTANT NOTE: this show features flickering lights and strobe effects that may cause headaches, nausea, seizures, and other unpleasant effects in some people.
Entire Film Program: 67 minutes
PANDORA’S BLOCK (2007; 3:27 min) by Abbey Luck & Abbey Luck
Music by Perrin Cloutier.
The creation and destruction of a square-based universe.
MOVING STILL (2007; 2:22 min) by Santiago Caicedo de Roux.
Music by Adriana Garcia Galán. (3-D)
The rhythm of a daily commute jumps tracks.
HAM BONE WITH BIRDS (2005-06; 3:02 min) by Joey Fauerso.
Representation turns into abstraction via a series of mirrored images.
AQUARELLE (2012; 2:39 min) by Mark de Weijer.
Color in motion, carried by water.
WITHOUT YOU (2008; 4:00 min) by Tal Rosner.
A visual exploration of London’s industrial suburbia.
THE MUSEUM OF TOUCH AND FEEL (2009; 4:02 min) by Jeanne Stern. (3-D)
Please form a queue in the lobby. The tour will start soon.
EGGS (2005; 0:18 min) by Molly Schwartz. Sound by Eric Eble & Pete Marshall.
16 dozen eggs make an optical omelet.
ANKLE INJURIES (2007; 3:17 min) by Wade Shotter & Yukfoo.
Music by Fujiya & Miyagi
Rolling dice becomes an Olympic sport.
UNDER INFLUENCE (2012; 0:51 min) by Iemke van Dijk.
A play in which order and chaos determine the visual outcome.
RADISH FESTIVAL (2011; 0:44 min) by Kate Nartker.
Home movies are woven into fabric stills and then animated.
NEON MUD BUCKET (1990-2012; 2:39 min) by David Daniels. Music by Eric Kilkenny.
Plasticine clay is sculpted and sliced into strata-cut time blocks.
MEET ME IN BROOKLYN (2012; 3:03 ) by José Heerkens. Sound by Tom van Ekerschot
A poetic dialog between changing colors and moving lines.
SHAPES (2007; 3:00 min) by Kalle Johansson & Bendik Kaltenborn.
A guided mediation of curious objects.
SPEKTRALANALYSE (2011; 3:11 min) by Sarah Klein & David Kwan.
Real-time footage and hand-drawn images find tension and balance.
FROM INTUITION TO CALCULATION (2011; 2:09 min) by Albert Roskam.
Piet Mondrian meets the present day.
SCAN-TRON (2003; 1:30 min) by Jennifer Schmidt. Sound co-produced by L. Contra.
Answers given to a set of unknown questions posed by a series of test forms.
TAPE GENERATIONS (2011; 2:39 min) by Johan Rijpma.
The behaviors of a simple desk accessory become visible through the force of gravity.
by Brian McClave, Claudia Molitor & Gavin Peacock. (3-D)
A video-score plays with the brain’s constant effort to make sense of everything it encounters.
PITCH PERFECT PIXEL (2012; 3:00 min) by David Kwan.
An auditory approach to a raster image system. What you see is exactly what you hear.
This is sister piece to BETWEEN THE LINES.
CASTRO VALLEY JUMP (2012; 1:00 min) by Gilbert Hsiao.
A found zoetrope.
BETWEEN THE LINES (2012; 2:33 min) by Sarah Klein. Sound by David Kwan. (3-D)
A manual approach to a horizontal system.
This is a sister piece to PITCH PERFECT PIXEL.
Stop & Go is a member of Intersection for the Arts Incubator Program as “Sarah Klein Projects.” Seed funding was provided by the Southern Exposure Alternative Exposure grant. For more information visit www.stopandgoshow.com