The Book Re-Configured
The Book Re-configured presented alternative and experimental bookworks produced by 18 Texas women artists. The Book Re-configured moved the book from literary to visually creative realms, offering books that combined methods and techniques from photography, printmaking, drawing, collage, and other visual art forms. Works in the exhibition ranged from unique handmade books and limited editions to sculptural objects and room-size installations.
As a point of departure, many of these artists chose existing literary texts, historical references or found objects to disassemble and reconstruct into personal and powerful narratives. The exhibiting artists were: Dallas artists Beata Szechy, Nancy Chambers, Kalita Doolin, Leticia Venega-Huerta, and Sherry Owens; San Antonio artists Jane Dunnewold, Mary Ellen Mathews, Victoria Von Koeppen, Susan Voelpel, and Beck Whithead; Austin artists Sue Blevins, Belinda Casey, Julie Fleschman, and Dianne L. Reeves; Houston artists Emily Godbey, Kathleen Packlick and Leslie Reicheck; and Fort Worth artist Janet Tyson.