Unbound: A Candid Talk with Sandra C. Fernández
Austin artist Sandra C. Fernández will present unconventional book forms that incorporate text, nostalgia and other narratives.
PrintAustin is a citywide celebration of printmaking from January 15 to February 15, 2014. This inaugural print extravaganza is a month-long event celebrating the art of original printmaking, educating the public about the traditions of printmaking as well as showcasing the innovations of the contemporary approach.
PrintAustin‘s mission is to share enthusiasm for printmaking by helping galleries curate, exhibit, and promote works on paper, and to engage a wider audience through in-house artist talks, signings, panels, printmaking demonstrations, and print focused art happenings.
Sandra C. Fernández Artist’s Statement:
I have sought to explore the meanings of my own personal history. I grapple in my art with my own past, which included abandonment and exile. But I have also sought to go beyond the merely personal. Intimate narratives of pain, loss, and hope are universal. They are part of the human experience and surface in all eras and cultural geographies. Issues of abandonment, isolation, sexism, political freedom, war, migration and dislocation have for millennia haunted the human psyche. Through the exploration of different media I have sought to confront these issues and communicate my understanding to anyone experiencing my work.