Cristina White-Jones
Cristina White-Jones is an abstract mixed media artist living in Buda, Tx, where she resides with her husband and twin daughters. Along with her work, she also teaches art classes from her studio, Studio303. At 11 years old, she fell and broke her hip, but because of multiple complications has had to have numerous surgeries since then, that have left her permanently disabled. In 2003 White-Jones graduated from Texas State University with a BFA in painting.
Growing up on a ranch near Austin, she was surrounded by both nature and the experiences of the city. So colors and textures were always around her, and it was hard not to be inspired; she’s always felt that need to create, it was just something that had to be done. Although many of these things play a big role in her work, White-Jones feels the pain she has lived with, since the age of 11, is what really tells her story. She feels the texture in her work represents the bumps and the bruises, and everything along the way that she’s had to overcome to get to where she is today. “I truly believe in mind over matter, and that if we can displace the negative and turn it into something positive then everything ends up better. For me creating is how I’ve always done that, it’s what’s gotten me through the worst of times.”
Having dealt with a tremendous amount of loss the past few years, her current body of work focuses on the various stages of grief and what that can look like; the good, bad and everything in between. All along while still combining of the emotions experienced on a daily basis, with the organic elements of nature, color, and texture.