Dolphin Brown
Known for her fascinating video “paintings”, Dolphin Brown’s art has been celebrated worldwide, from the screens of Times Square in New York City to La Pedrera-Casa Mila in Barcelona, Spain to galleries in Milan, The Canary Islands, and across the United States.
Brown’s journey began in 8th grade and was nurtured during her formative years at the High School for Performing and Visual Arts in Houston, Texas. Her academic and artistic pursuits led her to the Savannah College of Art and Design. There, she met renowned video artist Dara Birnbaum, who helped expand her perspectives to create the college’s first multi-channel video installation.
At the heart of Brown’s work is her artistic philosophy and commitment to pushing creative boundaries and encouraging others to be authentic to their higher self in their pursuits.
Her art took a profound turn after a life-threatening illness. Finding solace amidst the fear left behind from her devastating illness, Brown turned toward art to transcend that fear. Her creations became a portal, offering viewers a new way to see and think about life and the present moment. Her work is a deep dive into peace and consciousness.