Elisa Gomez
Elisa Gomez received her BFA with an emphasis in painting from the University of Utah in 2010 and her Masters from Denver University in 2020. She has been involved in multiple shows across the country as well as residencies at the Denver Art Museum and Breckenridge Arts Campus. Primarily in mixed media on canvas, and mural work, Gomez wields her materials with the skill of a practiced fine artist while nonetheless composing her canvases with the ease of a studied art historian. Evidenced by a few discernible, well-executed, and discrete operations, her working mode transposes the schema and aesthetic of both European and
American Abstract Expressionism with a studied sensitivity particular to her training and practice. Gomez demonstrates a playful attention to color, texture, and surface. Palette and visual movement between, amongst, and across forms figure heavily into her pieces. In style as well as composition, Gomez’s work is replete with recurrent aesthetic maneuvers and nonetheless peppered with extensive variation and experimentation. Her canvases continue to surprise and delight the viewer in their transposition of elements across genres and movements.