Nancy Wood

Nancy Wood is classically trained in oil painting and traditional drawing. She received her B.A. and M.F.A. degrees in Fine Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles during the 1970’s, when women artists were just beginning to be accepted. In the early 1990’s Wood discovered the emerging digital art media and became proficient with it very quickly.

As Wood describes, “During the 1990’s I bought a computer and began to teach myself digital media because I believed it would be the future of visual arts.” She was right and this led her to become successful in digital media. Her early digital works were included in the Museum of Modern Art New York’s 1999 “Museum as Muse” online exhibition, the Las Vegas Truly Virtual
Art Museum “The Petersburg Biennale of Computer Graphics” in St. Petersburg, Russia, and many other exhibitions. She began teaching digital art at colleges while developing and exhibiting her own works. Her artworks have been exhibited around the country, have won awards, and are included in private, corporate and medical collections.

Wood adapts the aesthetics of classical art to digital works, manipulating photographs she has taken in scenic areas of Texas with digital software. Colors are intensified and forms are abstracted to express the mystical qualities one experiences while absorbed in the splendor of nature. Engaging with artwork inspired by the beauty of nature has a calming and stress-reducing effect. Nature-based artwork can create a visual escape, transporting individuals to serene and tranquil landscapes, providing a much-needed respite from the demands of daily life. Artwork based on the beauty of nature also has the potential to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. It can serve as a medium to convey messages about the importance of protecting and preserving the environment.

Wood grew up in San Antonio and moved back in 1999 to make it her permanent home. She experiences severe hearing loss and won the 2017 Texas Governor’s Committee on Disability’s Artist Award. Her work was featured on posters that were distributed to 2500 state agencies. Wood’s versatile works can be printed at any size on various substrates, projected or displayed online.

Wood CV