Women & Their Work is a visual and performing arts organization located in central Austin that serves as a catalyst for new ideas in contemporary art created by women living and working in Texas and beyond. For over 40 years, Women & Their Work has brought groundbreaking art to Austin, with exhibitions, performances, and educational programs.
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10-6 pm & Saturday 12 – 6pm
Mailing Address: 1311 E. Cesar Chavez, Austin, TX 78703
Phone: 512-477-1064
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @womenandtheirwork
Admission to Women & Their Work is free. Donations are appreciated.
Group Visits:
Women & Their Work offers engaging and interactive tours for a variety of audiences with our friendly and knowledgeable staff. Please book your tour at least two weeks in advance during gallery hours by filling out this tour request form.
Bus Routes:
Women & Their Work is located on a number of downtown bus routes. Plan your trip with Capital Metro.
Women & Their Work is committed to serving all visitors and is accessible to people using wheelchairs. All galleries and facilities are wheelchair accessible.
Holiday Closures:
Winter Holiday: 12/23/24 – 1/2/25
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: 1/20/25
Memorial Day: 5/26/25
Juneteenth: 6/19/25
Independence Day: 7/4 – 5/25
Labor Day: 9/1/25
Thanksgiving: 11/27 – 29/25
Discover the many galleries, museums, and art related events that make up the Austin art scene at