KNOCK KNOCK is a multimedia dance and music performance created by Heloise Gold and Henna Chou. This intimate and informal presentation will share the work Chou and Gold have been collaborating on slowly and intermittently over the past 2 ½ years. Experimenting with sound and movement loosely based on themes from the ancient Chinese Classic the Tao Te Ching, which has directly or indirectly influenced both of their lives, is one of the motifs. And playing with Chinese characters for inspiration, the duo listens and responds to the calligraphy, each other, and the meeting point of their art forms and culture. The performance will include experimental videos from their collection, live music, and surprise improvisations all in the quaint setting of the outdoor garden at Women and Their Work. Dancer and collaborator Rosalyn Nasky will join Gold and Chou in this presentation. With lighting and production design by Natalie George.
Tickets $15 – 25. Availability is limited.
About the performers
Heloise Gold was inducted into The Austin Arts Hall of Fame in 2015; and is known as one of Austin's dance/performance art pioneers, endlessly creating work in Austin since the 1980’s. She highlights experimentation and collaboration in her pieces and infuses her deep sense of humanity, humor and vision into everything she creates. Her performance career traverses numerous paths beginning with early childhood appearances in NYC with the Bolshoi Ballet to performing in Robert Wilson’s legendary opera The Life And Times Of Joseph Stalin to participating in many experimental happenings in NYC in the 1970’s. Heloise moved to Austin in 1978. She danced and toured with the Deborah Hay Dance Company (1980-1986). Additionally, she began creating her own multi-disciplinary performances, being a key player in the experimental work developed in the 80’s 2000’s. A generative artistic relationship in the early 90’s with New Music pioneer Pauline Oliveros took Gold through Europe and the US both teaching and performing. She continues to create in Austin and collaborates with many of Austin’s current performance visionaries. She has been recognized multiple times by the Austin Critics Table; receives continual support from the City of Austin Cultural Contracts and has received funding from the NEA and TCA.
Henna Chou is a sound explorer with experiences living in Tucson, AZ; Overland Park, KS; Berkeley, CA; Ames, IA; Beijing, China; and Montpelier, VT. Chou enjoys participating in Austin’s creative community as a cellist, guitarist, keyboardist, and sound artist. Previous participations include work with COTFG, Salvage Vanguard Theater, Paper Chairs Theater, BLiPSWiTCH, Collide Arts, The Blanton Museum of Art, New Music Co-Op, Stop Motion Orchestra, Go: Organic Orchestra, Phonography Austin, Golden Hornet, Heloise Gold and The Resonant Lung.
The project is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division.
Discover Heloise Gold’s extensive history with Women & Their Work in our online archive below.
Thu Apr 21, 1988 – Sat Apr 23, 1988
Further Adventures in the Palace: an Operetta
Thu Jan 29, 1987 – Sat Jan 31, 1987
Watching From the She-Palace
Fri Nov 15, 1985 – Sat Nov 16, 1985
Ellen Fullman | Longitudinal Variations
Fri Mar 7, 1986 – Sat Mar 8, 1986
In Mary’s House
Fri Feb 15, 1985 – Sun Feb 17, 1985
Pauline Oliveros in Concert
Performance Art Series 1984
Sun May 6, 1984