
Cauleen Smith

In a dazzling, multi-layered exhibition, Smith investigated deeply embedded cultural assumptions about race, gender and sexuality and the consequences of them. The exhibition included a large scale projection, TV screens… Read More »

Getting Your Sh*t Together Workshop for Artists

This informative and fun workshop will help you get your sh*t together and give you lots of resources, ideas and strategies for making your way through whatever “art world” you… Read More »

Cantanker Magazine Release Party

Cantanker and Women & Their Work come together to promote the release of the newest issue – No. 3 1⁄2 – Less Talk, More Art – Cantanker’s first, hopefully annual,… Read More »

Red Hot Red Dot: Art Sale and Silent Auction

Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 20 when red dots l will cover the walls at Women & Their Work. Featuring the work of over 200 artists, Red Hot l Red Dot Art Spree and Silent Auction offers an… Read More »

Katherine E. Bash

Bash views the making of art through the lens of science and combines the role of artist and investigator. She observes patterns in the natural world and links them to… Read More »

SUDDENLY! Last Summer Party

Where does the time go? All of a sudden the end of the summer is looming. We need to party before it’s gone for another year. Join Women & Their… Read More »

Whitney Lee

Lee has subverted the craft world by interjecting sexy ladies into found latch hook rugs for some time. In her new body of work, Power Craft, Lee continues to subvert,… Read More »

Show & Tell V

Show & Tell was everyone’s favorite day in elementary school. Some things never change. Come to Women & Their Work to see & hear about the work of three local… Read More »

Denise Prince Martin

If a picture is worth a thousand words, Denise Prince Martin’s photographic series of women is a veritable library. Each image has the same structure: a woman in an environment… Read More »