4th Annual Texas Sculpture Symposium

The Sculpture Symposium was sponsored by the University of Texas Art Department, the City of Austin, Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Patrick Gallery, Matrix Gallery, Southwestern University and Women & Their… Read More »

Sweet Honey in the Rock

Sweet Honey in the Rock, internationally-known a capella black women’s singing group from Washington, D.C., presented a concert in Hogg Auditorium on the University of Texas Campus. They appeared with… Read More »

Jackie Apple

Lecture and films by the filmmaker and performance artist. Held at the Speech Communication Building, University of Texas.

Festival of Contemporary American Poetry

Symposia and public readings featuring Audre Lorde, Marge Piercy, Gary Snyder, May Swensen, Tino Villanueva, & Anne Waldman. Co-sponsored by RGK Foundation and the University of Texas.

Kyung-Wha Chung

Concert by cellist Kyung-Wha Chung. At Hogg Auditorium, University of Texas.

Women’s Emotions In Song

Concert featured Beulah Agnes Curry-Jones, soprano; Geneva Taylor Rawlins, accompanist; and Edward Smith, percussionist. Co-sponsored by University of Texas Music Department At University of Texas Music Building Recital Hall

Alicia De Larrocha

Piano recital, co-sponsored with the University of Texas. At Hogg Auditorium.