
Connie Arismendi

Taking its name from the Spanish word for “passing, fleeting, transient,” and for “a passenger or traveler,” this exhibit dealt with the transitory nature of life. The artist stated, “We… Read More »

Helen Altman

Helen Altman, an artist from Forth Worth, created Trailhead, a mixed media installation that was on view at Women & Their Work. The pieces in Altman’s installation included seven mixed… Read More »

Meg Langhorne

Meg Langhorne, an artist from San Antonio, created an imaginative sculptural installation titled Pa Pa Do. The centerpiece was a huge 9 1/2-ft tall honey bear made of steel, chicken… Read More »

Ann Pizer

Ann Pizer’s body of photographic work, Folly, stemmed from her long-time interest in topiary, a fascination that began with a few childhood years in England and a series of magical… Read More »

Bennie Flores Ansell

Bennie Flores Ansell created a unique photographic installation titled I 2K- Imelda 2000, after the show’s largest work, a huge swarm of 2000 shoe-butterflies. Ansell photographed the most outrageous, colorful,… Read More »

Jill Bedgood

Jill Bedgood created a mixed media installation, Deadly Sins/ Worldly Virtues, that explored contemporary issues as they related to society and some of the seven deadly sins. Her small bronze… Read More »

Polly Lanning

Polly Lanning’s paintings for her exhibition, Parallels, were linguistic objects, visual images loosely tied to concepts and to actual things. She used the properties of the paint and pigment, the… Read More »

Monica Pierce

Monica Pierce’s small scale oil paintings on wood panels and mixed media drawings on paper in the exhibit Pattern Book were derived from her continuing fascination with patterns. Pierce began… Read More »

Marjorie Moore

Marjorie Moore’s paintings and drawings in this exhibit were derived from her interpretation of her collection of toys, dolls, and bric-a-brac. Her recent work had continued the Western tradition of… Read More »