
Becky Hendrick

Becky Hendrick’s paintings used pictorial references, such as a beach scene filled with vacationers, to create colorful, painterly abstractions. In this exhibition, Hendrick’s work used travel views of the Amazon… Read More »

Anitra Blayton

Women & Their Work presented mixed-media constructions by Anitra Blayton in the first solo exhibition at our new gallery. Blayton’s mixed-media constructions examined the social conditions of African-American women. Blayton… Read More »

Susan Miiller

Women & Their Work presented On Becoming, a series of large-scale paintings by Texas artist Susan Miiller. Susan Miiller used a type of subtractive method of painting in both her… Read More »

Tre Arenz

Artist Statement I have an idea that an “I” is composed in large part of representations of the important “yous”. There is a sameness about “us” within communities which makes… Read More »

Beverly Penn

Frances Bagley

Artist Statement: After beginning  as a painter, I realized that while I was painting or drawing I was actually perceiving the lines and spaces physically and in life-size scale. I… Read More »

Howardena Pindell

Howardena Pindell is an African-American artist strongly committed to addressing contemporary social issues such as racism, sexism, politics, war, and human rights. Pindell has used various media techniques to explore… Read More »

Claudia Reese

Claudia Reese’s exhibition used the human form to focus on issues of mental anguish, world tragedy, and future hopes. Claudia created pieces that were not only intellectually stimulating but visually… Read More »

Debra Sugerman