
Regina Vater | CurandArt

Regina Vater’s work was infused with the sacred symbols and mythologies of many cultures, and especially with the African and Amerindian traditions of her native country, Brazil. For Vater, art… Read More »

Members’ Exhibition Part II

Women & Their Work proudly announced Part II of our First Annual Members Exhibition. This exhibition featured work by innovative Texas artists, selected from our Members Slide Registry by the… Read More »

Kathy Lovas | Conversation Pieces: Short Stories from Long-term Memories

The installation Conversation Pieces: Short Stories from Long-Term Memory confronted issues of aging, memory and photographic truth in a unique and provocative way. Through a combination of photographs, furniture, and books… Read More »

Cynthia Lin | New Paintings

Cynthia Lin’s dynamic work in New Paintings explored and expanded the idea of the two-dimensional surface. Her often bright canvases varied in rhythm from bustling to explosive to absorbed. The paintings… Read More »

Ann Carlson

Women & Their Work welcomed nationally recognized dancer and choreographer Ann Carlson to Austin for two performances. Hailed as one of this nation’s leading choreographers and a major performance artist,… Read More »

First Annual Members Exhibition and Holiday Gift Show

Women & Their Work proudly announced our First Annual Members Exhibition. This exhibition featured work by innovative Texas artists, selected from our Members Slide Registry by the distinguished curator, Annette… Read More »

Doña Rosita’s Jalapeño Kitchen-1996

A gifted comedienne and captivating storyteller, Ruby Nelda Perez brought the one-woman play by Rodrigo Duarte Clark to life hilariously. In the town of Salsipuedes (“get-out-if-you-can”), Doña Rosita invites you… Read More »

Susan Harrington, Terri Thornton & Janet Tyson | Drawings

Women & Their Work presented an exhibition of works on paper by three artists. Susan Harrington, Terri Thornton and Janet Tyson. The artists explored themes of memory, repetition and identity… Read More »

Women in Print | Prints from 3M by Contemporary Women Printmakers

Women & Their Work welcomed Women In Print: Prints from 3M by Contemporary Women Printmakers. This diverse exhibition was comprised of one print each from 39 contemporary American artists and… Read More »