
Kathy Rose

“Primitive Movers,” was a unique blend of animation and dance. It was choreographed, animated, and performed by guest artist Kathy Rose. Dance and video artist Kathy Rose has presented her… Read More »

Heloise Gold

“Watching From the She-Palace,” was a new work choreographed by Heloise Gold. It demonstrated her continuing interest in multi-disciplinary art. Combining dance, readings from her original novella, and music, Gold… Read More »

Scopes and Scales of Design

Women & Their Work, Inc. hosted “Scopes and Scales of Design,” the premier exhibition of project designs and drawings curated by and representing the work of Austin Women in Architecture.… Read More »

Tasting the Blaze

Three major artists at the forefront of postmodern dance, music and visual art joined to create TASTING THE BLAZE, an intimate performance spectacle that premiered in Austin on April 19.… Read More »

The Return of the Kitchen Sisters

An original play featuring guest musician Terri Quaye. “The Return of the Kitchen Sisters is a play by and about our bodies, hearts, spirits, humor, and intelligence. The creation of this… Read More »

In Mary’s House

Composer and vocalist Tina Marsh premiered an original cantata, “In Mary’s House,” at the Dougherty Arts Center February 15-17. The multi-disciplinary event of music and dance was sponsored and produced… Read More »

Safe Harbor

A multi-media collaboration among three artists: Laurel Butler, Catherine Conn, and Sylvia Orozco. It was held at the Texas Council on Family Violence Annual Conference.

Artistas Indigenas

A national exhibition of contemporary work by 75 Native American and Chicana artists. Co-sponsored in conjunction with a three-day symposium featuring lectures, workshops, demonstrations, and performances in locations around Austin.… Read More »

Judy Baca

Lectured on her work as a muralist and on the Great Wall of Los Angeles Project.