
Whitney Lee

Lee has subverted the craft world by interjecting sexy ladies into found latch hook rugs for some time. In her new body of work, Power Craft, Lee continues to subvert,… Read More »

Denise Prince Martin

If a picture is worth a thousand words, Denise Prince Martin’s photographic series of women is a veritable library. Each image has the same structure: a woman in an environment… Read More »

Aki Nagasaka

Using yellow fabric to seamlessly slice the white box of the gallery space from the floor to the ceiling, Nagasaka transforms the gallery into an ephemeral experience, a literal and… Read More »

Elaine Bradford

With colorful crocheted sweaters, Elaine Bradford transforms taxidermy into sculptures infused with warmth and comfort. Using yarn, Bradford reincarnates animals into a life of bizarre coziness. Like a circus sideshow,… Read More »

Theresa Marchetta

Orange, blue, every shade of brown, bright yellow, light purple. Although you can make out cavernous tourist destinations in the paintings, color is the real subject of Retreat, an exhibition… Read More »

Heather Johnson

In a culture preoccupied with speed, Johnson’s artwork asks us to slow down and notice the details. Using a variety of media degrees of separation draws attention to those things… Read More »

Joey Fauerso

In this multi-media exhibition, Fauerso explores the world of animation. Her captivating frame-by-frame paintings come alive as they move across the screen and interact with each other. Influenced by her… Read More »

Candace Briceño

Briceño  transforms the gallery into a whimsical world of color and texture using hand-dyed felt to create glorious landscapes.  Drawing extraordinary beauty from the seemingly mundane, Briceño fashions flowers, fruits,… Read More »

Hana Hillerova

Austin artist, Hana Hillerova creates large-scale mixed media installations that merge digital and analog modes of production. Through the use of nerdy high-tech means and what Hillerova refers to as… Read More »