
Sharon Bridgforth | delta dandi

Written and conducted by Sharon Bridgforth, delta dandi is a living cacophony of monologues, chants, choral tellings, blood memories, dance and song. Through glimpses of the transmigration of one spirit’s… Read More »

Sasha Dela

Here in Austin, it’s no secret that we cherish our beloved green spaces, springs and swimming holes. Our water – the water in Lady Bird Lake, in the Greenbelt and… Read More »

The Activist Impulse

Part of the wave of feminist artists’ revolt against their invisibility in museums and galleries in the 1970s, three activist artists founded Women & Their Work (WTW) in Austin, TX,… Read More »

Katie Pell

Themes of identity, patriotism, fantasy and mysticism are treated to Pell’s tender irony, explored via life-sized interactive sculptures.  A walk-in album-cover diorama, a towering charm bracelet, a prayer wheel with… Read More »

Reality Show

This is the true story of what happens when five artists get together every week to watch Reality TV. As the artists absorb the ritualistic dazzle of So You Think… Read More »

Allison Hunter

In Hunter’s digitally manipulated photographs, zoo animals are shown divested of their everyday settings and recontextualized in surreal surroundings. Removed from their enclosures yet still ‘caught,’ framed in abstract washes… Read More »

Yoon Cho

  Women & Their Work proudly presents Nothing Lasts Forever, a solo multimedia exhibition by Austin-based artist Yoon Cho. Recently named by the Austin Museum of Art as one of… Read More »

Katy Heinlein

Using sinuous folds of draped fabric as her medium, Heinlein creates surprising structures full of elegance and moxie that invite the viewer to look beneath the surface. Swathed around hidden… Read More »

Donna Huanca

Secret Museum of Mankind excavates the layers of memory in a meditative installation that contains life-size dioramas, sound tunnels, primitive shelters and rituals to create a timeline from past to… Read More »